BRUNCH. This is one of Brooklyn's super hours. It's an ambiguous word that means: come get your breakfast... but with the cocktails of lunch hour and the outfits of dinner hour. You thought your Equipment shirt, CĂ©line bag and Opening Ceremony silver broques were too casual for dinner? Yeah, just wear it to brunch. People bring their friends, their pets, their kids... (what do you think about this? My thoughts? Let's just say Lek and I avoid Park Slope on the weekends at times. It could be because of the thousands of MacLarens or another brunch date in Park Slope that went awry... that is a story for another day.) Brunch? I love it, we love it; this is the people's consensus. The only problem?

It is too easy to get the same old plates. They usually consist of: poached eggs, grapefruit brulee, or some sort of burger or hash steak nonsense. But then we discovered the french crepe at Pates et Traditions. Super Surprise!!! (I wrote that in French. Yeah it's the same spelling and meaning in English but I am so bilingual and cultured right?!) Each crepe is stuffed with so much flavor and wonder (goat cheese and figs, or sausage and grilled tomatoes). It is exactly what you want in the morning. Something light, yet succulent and super happy-inducing. And to get you to that bliss point? After the crepe, walk over to Reynard in the Wythe Hotel and grab a drink in a sun-filled room.

Pates et Traditions  /  52 Havemeyer St, Brooklyn, NY 11211

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